Let’s get real about acne


Acne… the one thing no one in this world wants, but is something most of us have to deal with. Let’s get real…We all want that perfect, blemish free skin and will do just about anything to achieve it! There are hundreds of products, remedies, and medicines people will try or take to achieve great skin. The pressure to always look perfect is on and I’m here to tell you having acne is okay.

In High School, I had perfect skin.  I would have a blemish here and there but all in all if I walked out with just concealer under my eyes, I would be good to go. It was not until a couple months ago that I started having bad acne, it seemed like everything I was trying was not and still is not working. I have never had this much acne in my life. On top of that, I also have the worst habit of picking at my face, which makes my skin even worse! But it is safe to say that I have been feeling very insecure about my skin.

Acne can really effect the way someone feels about them self, it can take the most secure  and confident person down with it. I will not go outside without spot concealing my acne because I’m embarrassed.

Why do I feel this way? Acne is normal but the pressure to have perfect skin is all around us. The natural beauty hype is shoved in everyone’s face, so even wearing a lot of makeup to cover it up is frowned upon. The media is telling us that if you don’t have perfect skin, you are not beautiful. We see celebrities with flawless skin but don’t realize the amount of money that is put into it. They are probably having facials every weekand using an $800 moisturizer at night.  When asked their beauty secret most of them just say some generic response like “oh I drink a lot of water.” That’s just not real.

I’ve tried so many things to clear up my skin to see what works for me. The range of products I’ve tried go from really harsh chemicals to all natural and gentle products. I’m trying to find the right balance for me. Having really bad skin has made me be more dilegent about having better habits in my life. I’m starting to work out more often. I was very stagnant for months and not doing much physically so not having that blood circulation could be causing some of my acne. Also being better about taking my probiotics and drinking WATER. Keep a consistent skin care routine and NOT PICK MY SKIN.

When I was filming my everyday makeup routine the other day, I was embaressed that I had to wear a little more makeup than I usually would to feel confident in myself and thought maybe I shoudn’t film it. But then I realized why shouldn’ t I, I want to be as real as I can and me having a lot of acne is what is real. You can see in the video that I don’t feel my best with acne but I keep on reminding myself that it’s temporary.

I shouldn’t feel bad about having acne and I shouldn’t feel bad about wearing a lot of makeup. Either way I should feel confident in myself and I’m working on that.  I’m tired of feeling like I should be ashamed of showing my scars or my acne because  of what others might think.

I want my blog to be a place where I can be real and share everything that I am going through. Right now is the journey to better skin. I want to share my struggle and have a open conversation about the stigma on acne and wearing more makeup to cover it up.

You are beautiful either way, don’t let society or any one tell you other wise.

I would love to hear anything or products you use that clear up your acne. SHARE YOUR SECRETS, HELP OTHERS OUT.

I will definitely keep you updated on my skin journey!!

follow me on IG @sabrinaleablog this is where I’m most active!!







2 Replies to “Let’s get real about acne”

  1. Sabrina,
    Thank you for being so open about how acne is making you feel. A lot of know that we should not care about what other people think of our appearance but it still affects most of us, including me. I too had pretty clear skin in high school but started breaking out in college. I am pretty sure it had a lot to do with the stress and change in eating and sleeping habits. I know that you are a very healthy eater, so maybe check your sleeping schedule or if any new stresses line up with these new break outs.

    Much Love.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading & commenting kendall!! I don’t have the best sleeping habits! That might be a leading cause in my breakouts definitely gonna try to get on a better sleeping schedule and see if that helps! thank you again! sending my love to you!!


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